Monday, February 11, 2008

Heart Friends

Hannah Jo Harrod. Terah Lynae Laack. Rachel Marie Giffey-Brohaugh. Margi Marie Felix.
Heart friends.

There are times in our lives where we find ourselves surrounded by other people who not only know our hearts, but they adore them, and share some of the most important parts. I don't think I would call those best friends. They are not, per se, "better" than anyone else. There isn't really any comparison. They're just heart friends.
This project is a time capsule of beautiful friendships. The photo shoot was done at Chapters, our favorite coffee shop, that we frequent together every Friday morning at 6 am for "Tradish". Apart from that we either are employed there, or visit Tuesday/Thursday before class, or have Saturday morning mama dates. We love Chapters. This project aims to capture the beauty of this moment in our friendships. Right now is probably the most we'll ever have in common. Although it is the differences that make these friendships so beautiful, I wanted to emphasize the small everyday things we get to enjoy during this season.

Drinking coffee is a fav group past time. Not only pleasing to the taste buds, coffee accompanies well any type of story or any length of conversation.

Friendship rings were bought before we were all separated to Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America for eight months. Bringing them back together has been amazing.

Converse of "cons", another common bond of friendship. A snapshot of unity.


R.E.BEL. said...

ok, so I the first thing that caught my eye in these when they were on the board this morning is the triangle in each of them. I think that this brings them together as a series nicely and ties the friends together in a strong form. Good work. For not being in the dark room and "hating" printing you did a grand JOB :D

Anita Opazo said...

wonderful capture of the truth of your life and friendships right now...these are such meaninful images for you! The hands photo is very flat. I don't know if that's because of the flash or???but I'd love to see that image with more depth and values . I love how you are showing your life through images!